Zoe Petta
Zoe is currently attending Butte Community College in Oroville, CA. She is majoring in Liberal Studies to become an Elementary school teacher. Zoe is in her fifth semester at Butte College and is planning on transferring next year. She wants to pursue teaching because she loves kids and believes teaching is one of the most important professions. Zoe has a passion for cats, history, and the great outdoors.
Gurjot Mann
I'm Gurjot but also go by Jody. I currently attend Butte College as a Chemistry major, and recently decided to minor in History. Chemistry is one those majors where you have to focus and learn to understand patience is the key which intrigued me. I decided to minor in history due to the circumstances of living in a family where my mom & brother both hold degrees in history. I enjoy spending time with my family, friends, and my 2 lovable dogs.
Jaime Dixon

I am Jaime, I am currently attending Butte College. Its been awhile since I've been back to school but I am glad to be back .Right now I am just taking my general Ed but once I am finished with my prerequisites I am shooting for the nursing program. I would like to become an RN one day like my mom I have a six year old son and I want to show him education is everything, he is a wonderful artist he loves it. What I tell him is do good in school and you could make that your major one day.
Love the lay out. Your write up is great. I am looking forward to the rest of your group on here...