Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Library to Computer

After we had the librarian come to our class, I went to the library. I went to the library with the hopes of finding a book to check out about my time period but instead I found myself on the computer and searching the online database. I used the steps she showed and found “Factor markets in Nieboer conditions:pre-colonial West Africa,c.1500-c.1900”. It has a lot of information for me to use for my blog post about my time period. Cant wait to use it for my blog post soon.

AUSTIN, GARETH. "Factor Markets in Nieboer Conditions: Pre-Colonial West Africa, c.1500-c.1900." Continuity and Change 24.1 (2009): 23-53. ProQuest. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.

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